Picture Use Policy
- Webmasters have permission to use any of the images appearing in our
Screencaptures Photo
Galleries on your website. Use of these images require you to provide a link
back to our website next to/below the photo(s). If you use several
of our images on a single page, you may then credit us once on the page
where the pictures appear. An example of crediting us for the
image(s) would be:
Photo courtesy of Disney's Five Mile Creek.
The code for the hyperlink is as follows:
<p>Photo courtesy of<a href="http://www.fivemilecreek.net">Disney's Five Mile Creek</a></p>
- Images which appear in Disney
Channel Magazine Articles or in the
Disney Channel Magazine Photo Gallery may be freely used. No
link back or credit required (though it is always appreciated).
- Images from our From the Cast
and Crew page MAY NOT be
published on any other website. This images were donated to us by
the cast and crew and we would like to keep these particular pictures
exclusive to our site.
- Images may not be "hot linked" from our web site without prior
permission. Hot linking involves copying the URL of the image and
then inserting it into your own website or into a post on a message board.
We do, on a case by case basis, allow some sites/message boards to hotlink
to items on our site.
Team Nicole and
its members may link to any images without seeking prior permission.
All other sites/forums should contact
for permission.
- Please contact us when you do use any of our
images on your site. In the e-mail please let us know the URL
(location) where the image(s) can be viewed. If your site is
somewhat related to Five Mile Creek, we would be more than pleased
to provide a link back to you. We can't do this if we don't know
about your site.
- If you have any questions or require further clarification on the use
of our images, feel free to contact .

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Cast and Crew
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